

**Contributors:** Edah Sahinovic, Katharina Wöhs, Christina Zorenböhmer
**Contributors:** Edah Sahinovic, Katharina Wöhs, Christina Zorenböhmer
<details><summary>**Contents** Click to expand</summary>
[Background and Aim](##Background-and-Aim)
## Background and Aim
## Background and Aim
... | @@ -80,6 +77,7 @@ First, we created a [non-executable class "wms_GetMap](https://git.sbg.ac.at/s10 |
... | @@ -80,6 +77,7 @@ First, we created a [non-executable class "wms_GetMap](https://git.sbg.ac.at/s10 |
When this method is called from the main class, the user will be kept updated and will see the following on the console:
When this method is called from the main class, the user will be kept updated and will see the following on the console:
<details><summary>Console Output</summary>
<details><summary>Console Output</summary>
Accessing WMS and downloading .png of Boston to local directory at: C:\Users\Christina\Documents\EoT\boston.png...
Accessing WMS and downloading .png of Boston to local directory at: C:\Users\Christina\Documents\EoT\boston.png...
Testing Heigit's wms service URL...
Testing Heigit's wms service URL...
... | @@ -100,25 +98,8 @@ Step 1 completed. |
... | @@ -100,25 +98,8 @@ Step 1 completed. |
Accessing WMS and downloading .png of Boston to local directory at: C:\Users\Christina\Documents\EoT\boston.png...
Testing Heigit's wms service URL...
URL vaid.
No errors in communicating with the server.
Would you like additional information on the WMS service while the programme runs? Type Y for yes or anything else for no and hit enter.
The WMS capabilities are being retreived from a server called: OGC:WMS
And the server's title is :OSM-WMS Uni Heidelberg.
The requested image will be stored as a .png with dimensions of 1000 x 1000 pixels.The coordinate reference system is set to ESPG:4326
Requested URL: http://maps.heigit.org/osm-wms/service?REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-71.13,42.32,-71.03,42.42&VERSION=1.1.1&STYLES=default&SERVICE=WMS&WIDTH=1000&HEIGHT=1000&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&LAYERS=osm_auto%3Aall
Image was successfully saved at: C:\Users\Christina\Documents\EoT\boston.png
Step 1 completed.
The result is this image "boston.png":
The result is this image "boston.png":


... | | ... | |