Topographic factors

Topographic factors

Classification and Correlation Analysis of Topographic Factors in the Loess Plateau Based on Digital Elevation Models


Classification and Correlation Analysis of Topographic Factors in the Loess Plateau Based on Digital Elevation Models loess


The extraction and analysis of topographic factors is the basis and core content of Digital Terrain Analysis, and it is also an important part of expressing landscape characteristics from different angles, simulating the evolution process of landscape, and expressing the genesis mechanism of landscape. Different topographic factors reflect the fluctuation characteristics and spatial differentiation of the landscape from different sides. Since the creation of the Digital Elevation Model, hundreds of topographic factors have been proposed by scholars. However, there is a lack of research on the expression mechanism and scientific classification of topographic factors and the correlation between factors from the perspective of geomorphology, which is of great significance for revealing the laws of landscape development. Loess Plateau is known as one of the most unique geographical areas in the world for its geological research value due to its unique geographical conditions, typical landform features and severe soil erosion. In this study, with the method of Digital Terrain Analysis, the extraction, classification and correlations of topographic factors will be studied. This research will explore core topographic factors that reflect the characteristics of the Loess Plateau, construct a reasonable topographic factor system and figure out the correlation between topographic factors,which can enrich the content of spatial analysis and Digital Terrain Analysis. Expected results will be illustrated using a series of maps and specific analyses. tf

Expected Results

In this study, I will select a series of core topographic factors that can represent the landform features of the Loess Plateau. The extraction of topographic factors will be presented as a series of maps. The classification of topographic factors depending on different aspects including object-oriented, scale-oriented and function-objected will be discussed and presented. It will be presented as a series of tables. The correlation of topographic factors will be studied by factor analysis, the results of which will be presented as a series of maps and specific analysis.


WP1: Project Management

WP2: Project Conceptualization

WP3: State of the arts

WP4: Data acquisition

WP5: Methods and tools

WP6: Implementation

WP7: Analysis and discussion